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The expert committee of the PSM Awards 2019 gathers Ukrainian financial and e-commerce specialists.

Alexander Bornyakov

Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. He is responsible for everything related to communications with the IT industry and its development: outsourcing, product companies, startups, venture capital investments, as well as legislative and regulatory initiatives regarding e-residence, intellectual property, status and taxation of crypto assets.

He is also a co-founder of Cliсkky, a co-owner and partner of Intersog, and a managing partner of the WannaBiz business incubator, aiming at developing IT entrepreneurship and shaping a startup ecosystem in Ukraine.

Alexander Bornyakov worked his way up from a system administrator to the head of his own IT company in Odessa. He participated in the creation of the My City platform, which helps to improve Odessa systematically. He also helps to develop the IT cluster, which brings together education, business and local authorities to advance the information technologies industry in the Odessa region.

Main expertise:

  • Venture investment;

  • Online advertising;

  • Networking;

  • IT sector development.

Sponsors and Partners

General Partner

  • E-commerce partner

    tas logo
  • Payments partner

    platon logo
  • InfoTech partner

    liga zakon logo
  • FinTech partner

    moneyveo logo
  • IT partner

    moneyveo logo

Supported by

Information partners


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